Friday 7 February 2014

BBC Cult magazine

When creating the magazine it didn’t take as long because I used the same design as the bus for the tardis, meaning I didn’t have to recreate the whole design again taking up more time. However the most difficult part about the magazine was up in the top left corner. I had originally planned to have the earth there but after designing it I realised it looked too amateur and didn’t fit right. So instead I got the idea to make it look like a planet instead.

I did this by using the paint brush, changing the opacity starting with red then moving the size smaller and changing the colour from orange to yellow, this create a glare for the planet. Putting a black circle over half of it makes it seem like its further away adding the effect of the space and the tardis.

In my orginal design as well I was going to have BBC Cult written to the left of the tardis but when designing I noticed if fitted better underneath the tardis. It fits being the brightest on the page so it doesn’t take the focus away from the design being in the middle of it. Its also the last thing our eyes see and the most important, as we want people to see the design then see BBC Cult to go and check out the channel.

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