Tuesday 19 November 2013

BBC Cult ideas discussion

I started out writing my final ideas and the different aspects around this from colours to use, different fonts and the design.

I found this part of the design process a lot easier as it allowed me to create a entail idea in more detail, helping me when it comes to the actual design. I will now know the fonts and what textures i am hoping to use. 

I started on creating the magazine design this week as well. 

I stuck with the Doctor Who theme as it is recognisable and works well. This design is just entail the Tardis faded into the back of the page, this i thought could then be used for advertisements on doctor who or bbc cult. 
The magazine designs i am finding difficult as its a full page instead of a small bus design which limits you but it helped. I also dont like the magazine design because as stated in a another blog im not the best drawer and struggle with getting my ideas from my head to a drawing so this element isnt my strong point and im not enjoying it as much. 

Tuesday 12 November 2013

BBC Cult ideas

I started planning out my design idea for the side of a bus, writing alternative ideas for bus windows, and doors. Defining the definition of Cult, i decided to pick Sci-fi  as the main genre to base my ideas on as i believed this would allow me to develop more creative ideas. Below is a copy of my ideas. I found it difficult to write down what i wanted on the wheels, doors and windows when i didn't have an entail idea and i work better drawing it out than writing it.

I then started sketching out ideas that could be used on the side of a bus, starting out with Pacman and then moving to using the windows and created sci-fi images under them. After drawing some ideas i ended up mixing two together  because i believed this worked best out of all the designs i had done.

Drawing isn't my strong point so i found creating designs a struggle that it took a while to get a design that i was happy with. I also found it difficult not being able to incorporate my ident as the bus advertisement. The fact that we have to create the designs and are not allowed to use images from online meant i had to think realistically on what i could design as well.
I now have to take the doctor who themes idea and write about the different colours, text and elements i am going to use for creating the police box and the darleks.
Although on my ideas sheet i wrote down the idea of stars for the bus wheels i decided not to add anything to the wheels as it was a bit much to the bus. From my bus advertisement research as well nothing was ever included on the wheels so it isn't a necessity.

Tuesday 5 November 2013

BBC Cult Advertisement

I am creating a advertisement for the side of busses and in a magazine TV guide to advertise the new channel BBC Cult, using their new branding logo and different recognisable cult objects to target the appropriate audience, sci-fi, horrors and american dramas targeted at age 18-35 year olds.

Above are mood boards for different logos, textures, fonts and bus advertisements to help me get ideas when creating my own advertisements as i can adapt ideas from the bus advertisement and textures to create the advert. The different fonts will help me choose the font of the logo and any text that i will include in the advertisements that suits the BBCs missions and values.